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    It's not the years that matter much, but the days the years made up.
    Make this one matter more than the last to overflow your cup.
    Forget the sad forget the bad forget the worrys and ills .
    Life is short but can be great just remember to take your pills.
    For 59 years I have waited for the day when it might start
    That winning streak that lucky day that gold laden cart
    But suddenly I realise that for 5 score year and nine.
    Today was the lucky one when your life is well defined.
    Not today as in my birthday but as in everyday you live.
    Put back the thoughts it's not quite right .
    This time is yours to give.
    Give a smile and a wave to everyone you meet.
    Offer a hand in friendship to those on your own Street.
    If you see a stranger that you don't know, go on try and be nice and pleasant
    Co's your in for hell and a right good slap

    but as the dusk starts to approach
    walking by is not a joke.
    Passes by look to the skies rather than look into knotty eyes
    Ready to pounce on man or beast
    and drag below on where you feast.
    No wonder people won't pass alone
    when you like to feed on blood and bone.
    But I'm not scared I'm tough and strong
    but it's getting dark so I move along.
    Just one glance o'er shoulder to see
    Is that the wind that touched or the spooky tree?
    Harry Stottle poems shared their post.
    Published by Decopierre GB Johnson5 April
    Happy birthday to me ,,,,,,
    Harry Stottle poems
    Published by Peter RoadtoManchester Johnson5 AprilHaslingden
    It's not the years that matter much, but the days the years made up.
    Make this one matter more than the last to overflow your cup.
    Forget the sad forget the bad...
    See more
    Harry Stottle poems shared their photo.
    Published by Peter RoadtoManchester Johnson3 April
    Harry Stottle poems
    Published by Peter RoadtoManchester Johnson3 April
    Bikeless is a frame of mime.
    It's been a year now or so it seems since two wheels graced my shed.
    But has the need, the need for speed disappeared out of my head
    No it ain't the sun came out and the rain it stopped falling too
    And the shed is empty except for crap and a pedal bike or two.
    But pedals can't be right for me all that lycra chaffs me botty
    The layer of leather is what I need and helmet like a potty
    The hum of engine the smell of rubber the wind runs through my teeth, The feel of tyres as they scrub the road and the twists and bends beneath,
    I want the feel of impending terror as those drivers miss me my progress , even though I am kitted out with the latest Hi-Viz 'Polite Vest'
    I wander for a car ride as the sun gets hot and warmer
    Loads of bikers are out and they get to lean in corners
    All I can do is watch in awe at the flash as they go by
    And catch them up at roadside caffs' when they stop of tea and pies.
    So back home I'm on the Bay of E looking at bikes quite cheap
    But all I can find are tiny ones and many scrap and heaps,
    It takes a lot of self control not to bid for something that's shiny
    Or that vunder super dooper steed or a Turbo Kawahamayari
    I did look at C90's but one for each foot seemed excessive,


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