Scorton Steam fair

A toot breaks the silence and a groan of gears clears the air .
As a giant steel and steaming beast makes children in wonder stare.
Old men smile a lot and even the ladies stand in awe.
As the 100 year old beasts of burden come alive at Scorton Fair.

Along the rows of greased flat caps and coal stained faces blacked
History is brought to life with fires and rattles and cracks.
Old cars and motorcycles lined up, in rows of polished splendor
There's a plethora of tasty treats like chips and burgers tender.

The Lancashire weather has been as usual, quite odd.
With 3 seasons in one day but without the snow and fog.
But hardy folk they are up here
and it's warm enough I guess
for open shirts and even shorts
and old blokes in string vests.

With belly's full of £5 snacks and tea made with a sock.
The rain arrives in ernest and to none this is a shock
For this is the English summertime which offers all extremes
But a great weekend was had by all  at the Fair known as Scorton Steam.


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