59 at last ! Nooooo !

Birthdays, I don't think I will celebrate other than for getting this far,

It's not the years that matter much, but the days the years made up.
Make this one matter more than the last to overflow your cup.
Forget the sad forget the bad forget the worrys and ills .
Life is short but can be great just remember to take your pills.
For 59 years I have waited for the day when it might start
That winning streak that lucky day that gold laden cart
But suddenly I realise that for 5 score year and nine.
Today was the lucky one when your life is well defined.
Not today as in my birthday but as in everyday you live.
Put back the thoughts it's not quite right .
This time is yours to give.
Give a smile and a wave to everyone you meet.
Offer a hand in friendship to those on your own Street.
If you see a stranger that you don't know, go on try and be nice and pleasant
Co's your in for hell and a right good slap


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