Motorcycle Exhausts Can Can

Can the Can
Can a new can do it 
Exhausted by the chat
Is a fender extender omit
something bad or slightly mad.

If makers wanted smaller lights
would they not add them at the start
instead designers concepts we fight
And pull new bikes apart.

Is it wise to change the tech
to look or sound much louder
Warranty claims will suffer yet
and your pocket surely flounder.

Leave it be as it was made
at least for a short while
At least give the designers trade
a few hundred testing miles.

Don't swap the bits that makers add
though go faster stripes allowed
Add some miles that's not so sad
Faster doesn't come with loud.

Test you skills and not your brain
The bike you ride is right
Ride in the sun or in the rain
In daytime or at night.

Think I need spot lights.... oops!


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